Screen Scanner - Psychlo
Post date: Jul 28, 2011 6:46:55 PM
"Just got inspired last night and decided to start a class to get the screen in "blocks" and check which one has changed to update only those."
(* ********************************
* uScreenScanner.pas *
* version: 1.0 *
* by Psychlo *
* *
* 15/07/2011 *
* *
* *
* Music: Breaking Benjamin *
* *
* Add me into the credits of *
* your RAT ;) *
* *
* Thanks to: *
* iC0de Community *
* Torry's Delphi Page *
* givex8 *
* Protocol *
* dn5 *
******************************** *)
unit uScreenScanner;
Windows, SysUtils, Graphics;
ERRORMSG_INCORRECT_WIDTH = 'Width must be multiple of 8!';
ERRORMSG_INCORRECT_HEIGHT = 'Height must be multiple of 8!';
TBmpPack = packed record
Bmp: TBitmap;
Modified: Boolean;
TBmpArray = Array of TBmpPack;
TScreenScanner = class
fDivScreen: Integer;
fScreenWidth, fScreenHeight: Integer;
fWatchRect: TRect;
fScreenArray: Array of TBmpArray;
function CompareBitmap(Bmp1, Bmp2 : TBitmap): Integer;
constructor Create(
const DivScreen: Integer = 8;
const X: Integer = 0;
const Y: Integer = 0;
const Width: Integer = 0;
const Height: Integer = 0
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure ScanScreen;
function GetSnapshot(lpRect: TRect): TBitmap;
function GetBitmapRect(lpRect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap): TBitmap;
function GetBmpPack(i, j: Integer): TBmpPack;
function IsBmpPackModified(i, j: Integer): Boolean;
property ColumnCount: Integer read fDivScreen;
property RowCount: Integer read fDivScreen;
property ScreenWidth: Integer read fScreenWidth;
property ScreenHeight: Integer read fScreenHeight;
//... to be continued in attachment ;) ...
Basically this project does this:
Gets a snapshot of the screen;
Saves it in a matrix 8x8;
Updates the blocks that changes;
Shows the blocks in a reduced size to fit the form (about 2/3 of your resolution, but that is just me playing around).
So far I have done few tests. In a 1920x1080 and 3 secs update rate resolution considering compression capacity of 15%, gives me about 2~8kb/s for "small changes" in the screen. Of course that if the entire screen changes there are peaks. I found peaks of 400kb/s.
Only Delphi source code is included in the archive.