Winrar - Remove Nag Screen
Post date: Mar 7, 2010 4:50:08 PM
In this tutorial, I will show you, for the purpose of education, how to remove winrar's nag screen.
Official Winrar download webpage:
You can enlarge the images in the tutorial by clicking them.
1) Visit and download ResHacker.
Reshacker enables you to view all of the items contained within an executables resource section if the file is not packed or crypted.
I use it mostly when working with resources in Delphi.
2) Locate your Winrar install directory and drag winrar.exe onto reshack.exe.
3) Reshacker should now be displaying the following.
4) Expand the "Dialogs" node in the treeview and locate the "Reminder" dialog.
Clicking on the resource will show you that familiar nag screen.
5) To remove the nag screen from winrar, we can just delete it from the executable's resources.
Right-click on 1049 and click "Delete Resource".
6) To save your changes, click File>Save in Resource Hacker.
You are finished. You have successfully removed the nag screen from winrar. Be sure to update your shortcuts to the new version.